So you want to scale huh?
CircleShare always gets me excited. No wait, that's lift and Scala actors. No wait that's David Pollack. No wait..
I then put Butterfly on our production hardware (a quad-core Intel machine running @ 2.something Ghz with a hardware RAID card that has buffering.) At 10,000 simulated users (>650 requests per second) the server had a load average of about 0.40 and the Java and MySQL processes we using about 15% CPU (of the 400% available).
To date, I have not done any material performance tuning of either lift or Butterfly. I was pleasantly surprised that both performance the way I had hoped they'd performance. As expected, the DB seems to be the gating item in performance. As we scale CircleShare, I've got plenty of performance headroom using Scala Actors like I did with Skittr.
Spelling leaves a bit to be desired, but cool man. Very cool. Man.
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