The Myth of the Muttering Madman is a project in self-realization.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

We climb word trees

or walk them in two-dimensions. This clusters words and groups of meaning. This encodes structure and sponsors interpretation.

(a pink) (mercuric drop) (an engraved repetition) (and synthesised banality,) (like a triangle) (of infant school) (of oily smarm) (harbour) (euphoria) (a brash interruption) (regurgitated)

(and synthesised banality,) (an engraved repetition) (mercuric drop) (of infant school) (like a triangle) (a pink) (of oily smarm) (harbour) (euphoria) (a brash interruption) (regurgitated)

(and synthesised banality,) (an engraved repetition) (of infant school) (like a triangle) (mercuric drop) (regurgitated) (a brash interruption) (euphoria) (harbour) (of oily smarm) (a pink)

(a pink mercuric drop of oily smarm engraved like a triangle harbour. a repetition of infant school euphoria and synthesised banality, a brash interruption regurgitated.)

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