The Myth of the Muttering Madman is a project in self-realization.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Greedy little podcasters

Apart from the fact that I will never pay for a podcast I think it's pretty damn important to make sure you have even a little bit of quality before charging for it. Ricky Gervais' podcasts aren't that funny. They're certainly not as funny as The Office or Extras. They're not as funny as his standup comedy stuff. In my judgement they're pretty much just boring podcast crap. Sure - Ricky does a good job of repeating other people's jokes and screaming like a little girl in his annoyingly high pitched voice, but that's about it. What I think Ricky needs to remember (or learn) is that popularity for something that is free is quite likely going to be a hell of a lot higher than something people have to pay for.

It'll be interesting to see how he goes. But I'd hazard a guess that unless this greedy little Pom puts a great deal more effort into writing his "podcast" scripts (which he is clearly not doing currently) then his "most popular podcast on the internet" will be lining up for a trip down the good old Karsey Moilet.

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