Mac OS X Leopard 2 hours in...
Leopard rocks. I had no upgrade problems whatsoever. No hung blue screens etc. There are a few minor quirks with the dock and the way windows behave around it. But no showstoppers for me. I can still do my postgresql development, and perl, and java, and play all my movies, and music and so on. Also, the new UI changes are really growing on me. I can finally reorder tabs in Safari, though I'm typing this from Firefox :) I like the new dock, and I like the semi-transparent top menu bar. About the only thing I'm disappointed with is that the funky FrontRow transition has been replaced with a simple fade-in fade-out.
Quick Look is groovy (the way Dustin Hoffman would say it), though a 13" macbook screen is probably a little small to really use it effectively. Cover flow in Finder is ok. Will see how I go after using it a bit. I'm keen to try out Time Machine, but I'll need to get a new external HDD. Spaces is fine, but I've been using similar functionality in Linux window managers since 1997.
Oh and Stacks just rock. I enjoy sitting there opening and closing them. How cool is it that they reflect the first few documents you have in the stack when collapsed? Brilliant. I like that I can drag and drop to and from stacks as well.
Overall, Leopard looks great. "I like it alot!" :)
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